Sunday, September 27, 2009


It's been awhile since I've last did this. A month at the most. In the past month I've started high school. It's not what I expected it to be. It's way father than my original interpretation. I thought high school was going to be all about cliques and what not, but it's not. I mean, there are cliques but they aren't as out there as the ones on tv. High school is okay. There's nothing special about it though. Sometimes I wish it was more like tv shows.

Also I finally started Catechism, or however you spell it. Yeah, I go once a month for only 45 minutes. Today was my first day-I just got back from class- and I feel very holy now. Ahh, so yeah.

I've had a bunch of story ideas. There are three ideas that I am willing to write and make them into novel length. One of my goals is to just finish something. For instance, The Last Nyxen, I've been writing that since I was ten. That's four years and I'm still not done. But I have gotten farther in that story than any of my other ideas. I feel proud.


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