Tuesday, September 1, 2009


It's weird. I've been wanting to post something but I never did. Don't ask why because I don't even have the answer.
Well, on thursday I went to see G.I. Joe. Awesome movie I must say. I fell in love with Channing Tatum all over again. I fell in love with him in Step Up. I loved that movie too. We were supposed to go see the philharmonic, but my parents then thought about me and my brother and if we were actually going to sit through the whole thing. I tihnk not! No offense, but I think I would be bored. I wanted to see it, though. I really did. So, instead of going there, we went to see the movie. Thank god we did. AHHH, (fan girl moment.)

The next day, I finished the 2nd book to The Mortal Instruments Series. I was pissed off! Ahh, SPOILER..Kind of. Towards the end of the book Clary and Jace go to this restauraunt(gosh I have no idea if I spelt that right) and she goes there to tell Jace that she wants to be together. But Jace talks and he says that he'll just be her brother. Clary says yeah, okay. (Not along those lines though) She should have said something! I was so pissed off. If you're confused, I suggest reading it. It's an amazing book series. The first one is City of Bones then City of Ashes and then City of Glass which is the onr I'm reading now. It's amazing!
Go out and buy it now! It's by Cassandra Clare. I love her! :D

Hmm, I guess that's it. Oh, and the outlining to The Last Nyxen is ugh. I never realized how much stuff is in it. Ahh, thank god im outlining it though. It and I wouldn't have survived if it just came out of my head while randomly writing it.

Well, byee.


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