Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I feel very sick. Stupid Jack in the Box. Ah, that was a bad idea. I'm supposed to be writing The Last Nyxen, an I am but I don't know why I'm not. It's confusing I know. Oh my god! The Last Nyxen is an epic failure! I honestly messed up on writing. Everyone who reads it won't be able to notice though. I know it. Ahh, fuckity. I have to figure something out. So, I'm not sure if you guys are going to be able to notice or not. If you can then sorry. If you can't, then damn I'm good. Just kidding. Let's see what I can do.

Today was the orientation for high school. I am finally entering high school! But it just doesn't feel like I am. I took a tour of the school but im still soooo confused! Ahh, there are no cute guys in my homeroom. I hope there will be, lol. But that's okay. I'm aready crushing on someone who barley knows I exist, even though we see each other a couple times a week. But still! Oh, well, I know nothing is ever going to happen. That's why they are called crushes, right? Ugh, stupid stomach. I feel horrible. I shall be leaving now. Aargh.


1 comment:

  1. I really hope that you feel better soon, it sucks being sick.
    High school is very confusing, I know my first day Frosh year I got lost and was late for my first class, so don't worry you aren't the first to be confused and you wont be the last.

    I'm sorry you're getting a bit upset with The Last Nyxen, but i'm sure nothing is wrong with it and I know it's going to be awesome, so don't worry, really.
