Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I have this urge to read something. Not just anything either; a book. I want to read a published book that has been sitting on my book shelf for quite some time. Instead of doing that, I resort to reading fanfictions and original stories on for Now, don't get me wrong, I love those types of stories, but it has just been awhile since I read a real book. I keep getting distracted. I know that's the case. I hate myself for getting distracted so easily. Did you know that this, what I'm writing now, is a distraction? It is. I am currently writing Chapter Nine of The Last Nyxen but the I suddenly appeared here, writing about how I get distracted and that I am currently distracted also.

There are numerous books that I want to read. Maybe tomorrow, when i finish chapter nine, I'll start reading City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare. It's really good book. You should definatly check it out. Oh, but wait, I have to write three one-shots for contests that are due by the end of this month. Could I pull it off? Well, maybe. It surprises me that I still am writing The Last Nyxen. I usualy flake out on my stories by the third chapter. It's sad actually. I would be so ecstatic when I get the tenth chapter done. Then I would be on double digits. The first time for me, ever! Ahh, I hope you see my excitement. Well, I should go. I must finish chapter nine of The Last Nyxen then I have to finish the one-shot, Our Book of Love, but I am no near finished, and then I decided to join a Harry Potter Pairing Contest, plus I have to do a picture contest too.! But that one isn't due until December. Well then, goodbye andd "goodnight."


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