Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Hmm, well it has been a short while. I took a break from writing. But now I am getting my creative juices flowing on The Last Nyxen. I'm not sure what I am going to write yet though. It's all so complicated but it's going to be the tenth chapter. Double digits man!!! :P Ahh, I was excited. This is the farthest I've ever gotten in a story before. It would be a miracle if I finish this story. I think I'm going to have either 25 or 30 chapters. I don't want to have that many but I'm afraid, at the same time, it won't be enough. Grrr. Well, let's see how it goes. I just realy hope I finish this becasue I've been writing it for a long time. Always rewriting it and what not.

Sunday night, I slept over Andrea's house. The last time I saw her was in February. Woah, I think I mispelled that. But yeah. I stayed over on Monday and we just hung out. It was fun becasue it's been such a long timee. There's nothing more to say though. It was a fun night/day that day. :D Yay, I can't wait until she sleep's over my house this time.

Today, I had quinceanera practice for Natalie's 15. Ah, I am excited yet scared. I am afraid I'm going to mess up. D: I suck at dancing (Even though I was on my dance team in middle school) Everyone thought the Vals (Walts/Enterance) was hard but i's easy compared to the ssurprise dance. That's what I'm most worried about. It's a combination of dances or genres(Aargh, I totally forgot how to spell) from hip-hop to reggeton to cumbia to some other stuff I forgot about. Also, me, Natalie, and Daisy N. have to do some dance thing that involves the guys picking us up. Ahh, I was so afraid I was too heavy. That's the problem with me. But thank god I got Bruce. He's the one that I trusted most because I got paired up with him in the beginning and he had to lift me up before. It was horrifying though. Well, I got nothing more to say.
Oh, except that I am totally bored and watching a movie. Yesterday it was Wild Child starring Emma Roberts and Alex Pettyfer. He is H-O-T-T.

I think I found my new obsession! And I think he would make the perfect Jace from The Mortal Instruments Series.Well everyone does but who cares? He is soo gorgeous! hehehe.
Well bye bye,.


1 comment:

  1. Hey, I think the longer you make your story the better because there is more for me to read
    and I'm sure you'll do fine with the dancing thing :)

    P.S I can't use my mibba to comment from so im using my live journal (i never use it) but just switch the username around and you have my mibba acount name
