Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I'm sitting on the floor of my room, pondering things. Well, I'm not really sure what I am thinking bout at this exact moment. I just wanted something to write about. Oh, and I will! I really hate my low self esteem. It's like the thing I hate most about me. I am not comfortable with my body, at all. I think it's the only thing that I actually don't like. Well, there are some other things but I blame my self esteem for it. To put it bluntly, I think I am fat. No one can ever tell me otherwise. I think I am and thats it. Period.

Other than that, I posted up chapter nine of The Last Nyxen on and was extremely happy. I was so glad that I posted it up. Now, I have to worry about the three one-shots I must write for contests. I am in the middle of called Memory Lane but it's going to be way to long. I don't know if I'll ever finish it by the begining of September. I also have to write a Harry Potter Fanfiction with the pairing, George Weasley and Cho Chang. That is going to be difficult. I was thinking about calling it Secrecy is Key. Or something along those lines. The last one I have to write is based on three pictures. I still have no idea what I am going to write.

I should really start Memory Lane right now. It's going to be sooo long. D: I'm not happy right now. Grr.


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