Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I'm always up, late at night, on the computer. Do I have no life? Everything doesn't fall into place with me. I have to work hard, but sometimes harder than others. The 'others' have it easy though. But also, who am I to complain with my life. I find it perfectly fine but, there's always that feeling I get deep within me that's telling me I am missing something. I have no idea what it is...

Look at me! Er, well, look at what I'm writing^^. Can all this be coming out of a teenagers mind? It's pretty hard to believe but it is possible. We all carry some sort of emotion that makes us think about some sort of 'thing'.

On a happier note, it's way past my bed time. 2:36 isn't a bad time to stay awake, right? Well, I am currently reading a Harry Potter Fan Fiction. Technically it's a Draco Malfoy Fanfic but it's still the same. I think that Tom Felton is like wow! I loved him in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire, and Order of the Pheonix. His best one yet was Half-Blood Prince. He did an excellent job in it. I felt sorry for him at some points too. He played his character very well, but when does he not. Woah, I've totally switched subjects. As I was saying, I am reading a DMFF on Mibba.com It is called For the Greater Good. I am liking it so far, considering it's in second person. I'm not a huge fan of second person but I can tolerate it. Well, I am off now. I want to continue reading it.


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