Sunday, September 27, 2009


It's been awhile since I've last did this. A month at the most. In the past month I've started high school. It's not what I expected it to be. It's way father than my original interpretation. I thought high school was going to be all about cliques and what not, but it's not. I mean, there are cliques but they aren't as out there as the ones on tv. High school is okay. There's nothing special about it though. Sometimes I wish it was more like tv shows.

Also I finally started Catechism, or however you spell it. Yeah, I go once a month for only 45 minutes. Today was my first day-I just got back from class- and I feel very holy now. Ahh, so yeah.

I've had a bunch of story ideas. There are three ideas that I am willing to write and make them into novel length. One of my goals is to just finish something. For instance, The Last Nyxen, I've been writing that since I was ten. That's four years and I'm still not done. But I have gotten farther in that story than any of my other ideas. I feel proud.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009


It's weird. I've been wanting to post something but I never did. Don't ask why because I don't even have the answer.
Well, on thursday I went to see G.I. Joe. Awesome movie I must say. I fell in love with Channing Tatum all over again. I fell in love with him in Step Up. I loved that movie too. We were supposed to go see the philharmonic, but my parents then thought about me and my brother and if we were actually going to sit through the whole thing. I tihnk not! No offense, but I think I would be bored. I wanted to see it, though. I really did. So, instead of going there, we went to see the movie. Thank god we did. AHHH, (fan girl moment.)

The next day, I finished the 2nd book to The Mortal Instruments Series. I was pissed off! Ahh, SPOILER..Kind of. Towards the end of the book Clary and Jace go to this restauraunt(gosh I have no idea if I spelt that right) and she goes there to tell Jace that she wants to be together. But Jace talks and he says that he'll just be her brother. Clary says yeah, okay. (Not along those lines though) She should have said something! I was so pissed off. If you're confused, I suggest reading it. It's an amazing book series. The first one is City of Bones then City of Ashes and then City of Glass which is the onr I'm reading now. It's amazing!
Go out and buy it now! It's by Cassandra Clare. I love her! :D

Hmm, I guess that's it. Oh, and the outlining to The Last Nyxen is ugh. I never realized how much stuff is in it. Ahh, thank god im outlining it though. It and I wouldn't have survived if it just came out of my head while randomly writing it.

Well, byee.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I feel very sick. Stupid Jack in the Box. Ah, that was a bad idea. I'm supposed to be writing The Last Nyxen, an I am but I don't know why I'm not. It's confusing I know. Oh my god! The Last Nyxen is an epic failure! I honestly messed up on writing. Everyone who reads it won't be able to notice though. I know it. Ahh, fuckity. I have to figure something out. So, I'm not sure if you guys are going to be able to notice or not. If you can then sorry. If you can't, then damn I'm good. Just kidding. Let's see what I can do.

Today was the orientation for high school. I am finally entering high school! But it just doesn't feel like I am. I took a tour of the school but im still soooo confused! Ahh, there are no cute guys in my homeroom. I hope there will be, lol. But that's okay. I'm aready crushing on someone who barley knows I exist, even though we see each other a couple times a week. But still! Oh, well, I know nothing is ever going to happen. That's why they are called crushes, right? Ugh, stupid stomach. I feel horrible. I shall be leaving now. Aargh.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009


:D I am soo tired. It's 2 in the morning and I am still awake. Ugh, this is horrible since I'm going to be starting school soon. I have to learn to start sleeping around 10 or 9. Grrr, I hate bed times. They are such a waste. But I lovee to sleep, hehe. But that's not what I'm here to talk about. Actually, I'm not sure what to talk about. lol.

Today, just a few hours ago, I started watching The Little Mermaid. After that, I watched Snow White and then Sleeping Beauty. I just felt like reliving my child years. I used to love those movies. And yet, I still do. So cheesy, but you gotta love it. Anyway, while watching The Little Mermaid, my mind started to wonder. It does that on its own. I have no control over it. And it got me thinking about a brilliant story idea! It's about the ocean, in a way. A little about mermaids, yet at the same time it's not. I'm not sure if I'll ever get to writing it but it's something fun to keep in my mind. Seclue(Britt) from is helping me form ideas. So, if I ever do write it, it will be dedicated to her because, well, she's just that awesome.!

Right now I'm thinking about the plot. Of course, knowing me, I'm going to make it into a Love Story. I just love romance. It helps escape this time and go on to my own time. Which is very fun most of the time. That's where Brooklyn and Harry are. But I can't tell you what's happening to them since I'll spoil The Last Nyxen for you. hehe.

Well, I must be off. I'm feeling quite tired and I want to rest, or sleep until forever. Until next time my furry friend...(now, where did I get that from?)


Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Hmm, well it has been a short while. I took a break from writing. But now I am getting my creative juices flowing on The Last Nyxen. I'm not sure what I am going to write yet though. It's all so complicated but it's going to be the tenth chapter. Double digits man!!! :P Ahh, I was excited. This is the farthest I've ever gotten in a story before. It would be a miracle if I finish this story. I think I'm going to have either 25 or 30 chapters. I don't want to have that many but I'm afraid, at the same time, it won't be enough. Grrr. Well, let's see how it goes. I just realy hope I finish this becasue I've been writing it for a long time. Always rewriting it and what not.

Sunday night, I slept over Andrea's house. The last time I saw her was in February. Woah, I think I mispelled that. But yeah. I stayed over on Monday and we just hung out. It was fun becasue it's been such a long timee. There's nothing more to say though. It was a fun night/day that day. :D Yay, I can't wait until she sleep's over my house this time.

Today, I had quinceanera practice for Natalie's 15. Ah, I am excited yet scared. I am afraid I'm going to mess up. D: I suck at dancing (Even though I was on my dance team in middle school) Everyone thought the Vals (Walts/Enterance) was hard but i's easy compared to the ssurprise dance. That's what I'm most worried about. It's a combination of dances or genres(Aargh, I totally forgot how to spell) from hip-hop to reggeton to cumbia to some other stuff I forgot about. Also, me, Natalie, and Daisy N. have to do some dance thing that involves the guys picking us up. Ahh, I was so afraid I was too heavy. That's the problem with me. But thank god I got Bruce. He's the one that I trusted most because I got paired up with him in the beginning and he had to lift me up before. It was horrifying though. Well, I got nothing more to say.
Oh, except that I am totally bored and watching a movie. Yesterday it was Wild Child starring Emma Roberts and Alex Pettyfer. He is H-O-T-T.

I think I found my new obsession! And I think he would make the perfect Jace from The Mortal Instruments Series.Well everyone does but who cares? He is soo gorgeous! hehehe.
Well bye bye,.


Sunday, August 16, 2009


Well, yesterday erm, two days to be correct was my friends Chrystal's birthday. :D Happy Belated Birffday to her! hehehe. Well, right now, as we speak, or type, my teachers are here! Technically, ex teachers, but it still counts. I am in my living room making videos, typing this, writing a Harry Potter Fanfic one-shot, while they are all outside getting drunk. Hey, at least they are the cool teachers. lol.

Well, I just wanted you all to know, if people are actually reading this. I don't know but I love typing things out so whateva! :D (Props to Chad Dylan Cooper) I think he says that. Well, now I'm bored. Now, I shall leave this place. I'm going to continue to write . Buh bye.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I'm sitting on the floor of my room, pondering things. Well, I'm not really sure what I am thinking bout at this exact moment. I just wanted something to write about. Oh, and I will! I really hate my low self esteem. It's like the thing I hate most about me. I am not comfortable with my body, at all. I think it's the only thing that I actually don't like. Well, there are some other things but I blame my self esteem for it. To put it bluntly, I think I am fat. No one can ever tell me otherwise. I think I am and thats it. Period.

Other than that, I posted up chapter nine of The Last Nyxen on and was extremely happy. I was so glad that I posted it up. Now, I have to worry about the three one-shots I must write for contests. I am in the middle of called Memory Lane but it's going to be way to long. I don't know if I'll ever finish it by the begining of September. I also have to write a Harry Potter Fanfiction with the pairing, George Weasley and Cho Chang. That is going to be difficult. I was thinking about calling it Secrecy is Key. Or something along those lines. The last one I have to write is based on three pictures. I still have no idea what I am going to write.

I should really start Memory Lane right now. It's going to be sooo long. D: I'm not happy right now. Grr.



I have this urge to read something. Not just anything either; a book. I want to read a published book that has been sitting on my book shelf for quite some time. Instead of doing that, I resort to reading fanfictions and original stories on for Now, don't get me wrong, I love those types of stories, but it has just been awhile since I read a real book. I keep getting distracted. I know that's the case. I hate myself for getting distracted so easily. Did you know that this, what I'm writing now, is a distraction? It is. I am currently writing Chapter Nine of The Last Nyxen but the I suddenly appeared here, writing about how I get distracted and that I am currently distracted also.

There are numerous books that I want to read. Maybe tomorrow, when i finish chapter nine, I'll start reading City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare. It's really good book. You should definatly check it out. Oh, but wait, I have to write three one-shots for contests that are due by the end of this month. Could I pull it off? Well, maybe. It surprises me that I still am writing The Last Nyxen. I usualy flake out on my stories by the third chapter. It's sad actually. I would be so ecstatic when I get the tenth chapter done. Then I would be on double digits. The first time for me, ever! Ahh, I hope you see my excitement. Well, I should go. I must finish chapter nine of The Last Nyxen then I have to finish the one-shot, Our Book of Love, but I am no near finished, and then I decided to join a Harry Potter Pairing Contest, plus I have to do a picture contest too.! But that one isn't due until December. Well then, goodbye andd "goodnight."


Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I'm always up, late at night, on the computer. Do I have no life? Everything doesn't fall into place with me. I have to work hard, but sometimes harder than others. The 'others' have it easy though. But also, who am I to complain with my life. I find it perfectly fine but, there's always that feeling I get deep within me that's telling me I am missing something. I have no idea what it is...

Look at me! Er, well, look at what I'm writing^^. Can all this be coming out of a teenagers mind? It's pretty hard to believe but it is possible. We all carry some sort of emotion that makes us think about some sort of 'thing'.

On a happier note, it's way past my bed time. 2:36 isn't a bad time to stay awake, right? Well, I am currently reading a Harry Potter Fan Fiction. Technically it's a Draco Malfoy Fanfic but it's still the same. I think that Tom Felton is like wow! I loved him in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of Fire, and Order of the Pheonix. His best one yet was Half-Blood Prince. He did an excellent job in it. I felt sorry for him at some points too. He played his character very well, but when does he not. Woah, I've totally switched subjects. As I was saying, I am reading a DMFF on It is called For the Greater Good. I am liking it so far, considering it's in second person. I'm not a huge fan of second person but I can tolerate it. Well, I am off now. I want to continue reading it.
